
OK, if you are in this section you are desperate !
don’t worry , only on very few cases the dongle had so serious HW / SW demage to be unrecovable.

Breath, collect good energy and mood from the universe and read this section.

What we are going to do is to re-flash the FW from scratch via a brutal hw mode.
This methods MUST MUST MUST followed exactly – don’t invent – don’t think -> simply follow as a robot .

1- download NODE-MCU-FLASHER here
2- unzip the content where you want
3- find the .exe file ESP8266Flasher.exe it is under “nodemcu-flasher-master” / Win32 or Win64

4- download the latest ScanLabs dongle FW from here
extract the zip – at this point we need only the .bin image
5- open ESP8266Flasher.exe -> CONFIG -> Gear Icon

6- Select the .bin file for JK or DALY/Hi – don’t worry – if you are wrong at this step you can after re-flash using the right binary image .
DON’T use binary images from others – I won’t help further then
DON’T – DON’T – DON’T – DON’T – DON’T change 0x00000
>>>>> if you change you waste the dongle <<<<<<<<<

8- Select the COM port to which the dongle is connected to the PC – if NO com is listed you don’t have the right driver installed – go to Troubleshooting and install the COM port drivers

9- this is the moment to pray – Flash procedures starts – if everything is ok you will see AP MAC and STA MAC Populated , a QR CODE and a progressing BAR

9- It will take about 1-2 minutes to complete the process. WAIT until full Bar .
At the end reset the dongle – NOTE this procedure does not restore to factory default – it simply upload the Fw